Kuma's Spirit

It was only 1 week since our dearest dog Kuma passed away suddenly.
It was unexpected death of our Akita family member.
It's almost like she was waiting for us to come back from our Japan trip, and then she ended her life.

Did she consciously choose to end her life? Her body didn't work the same as it used to. Kuma spent her entire 12 years of life growing with my children and protecting us all. There are so many beautiful memories that we created together. I don’t understand why this has happened so quickly. I keep asking and asking what does this really mean to us.


At the end of last year my daughter finished high school. I was quite excited to experience our new journey from this year. It will be different without Kuma. It was so sudden when Kuma passed away, all of our family were so shocked and having a challenging time with the adjustment. It feels like her spirit has been with us even though we can’t see her any more.
We miss her deeply.


In Buddhism we believe that all lives reincarnate. Once we have been connected in this life, or a passed life, we will reconnect together in our next lives. There is a huge gap in our family and we feel the emptiness. Whatever we do, Kuma was always there with us. It still feels that way.


Hopefully one day we will be able to stop crying for missing you Kuma, but we will be excited to meet you again somewhere in our next life.

Beautiful drawing of Kuma by @kerrihobba

Second drawing of Kuma by @naimadrawings when she was 11 years old

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